Too much to ask that your construction project runs
smoothly and costs what you thought it was going to?
We think not.
Too much to ask that you get honest, evidence based reporting on your building?
We think not.
Key Services
Home or building owner, landlord, developer, architect, building contractor, subbie or project manager – one thing’s for sure – you want to avoid the nightmares of cost overruns, budget blow outs, unpaid accounts, endless delays or worse. At Q Squared, we know construction costs. We also know there’s no need for a construction project to be anything other than productive and rewarding.
Whether your idea is just seeding or construction is imminent, ask us how we can add value to ensure your project is a winner. Pricing, programming, quality of work, defects and contracts – our vast knowledge and experience can be utilised for anything that can be built – from a simple house to an entire airport!